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The Missing 11th of the Month

In months other than September, the 11th is mentioned substantially less often than any other date. It's been that way since long before 9/11 and I have no idea why. In months other than September, the 11th is mentioned substantially less often than any other date. It's been that way since long before 9/11 and I have no idea why. Source xkcd. Image licensed under CC-BY-NC.

On November 28th, 2012, Randall Munroe published an xkcd comic that was a calendar in which the size of each date was proportional to how often each date is referenced by its ordinal name (e.g. "October 14th") in the Google Ngrams database since 2000. Most of the large days are pretty much what you would expect: July 4th, December 25th, the 1st of every month, the last day of most months, and of course a September 11th that shoves its neighbors into the margins. There are not many days that seem to be smaller than the typical size. February 29th is a tiny speck, for instance. But if you stare at the comic long enough, you may get the impression that the 11th of most months is unusually small. The title text of the comic concurs, reading "In months other than September, the 11th is mentioned substantially less often than any other date. It's been that way since long before 9/11 and I have no idea why." After digging into the raw data, I believe I have figured out why.

Sane Equality

Equality: every programming language has it, the == syntax is as universal as 1+1, and it works almost the same in every language. When the left and right operands are the same type, equality is easy. No one questions that 1==1 evaluates to true or that "a"=="b" evaluates to false. This post is about what to do when the operands are different types. What should 1=="1" be? Or what should Circle(1,2,2)==Point(1,2) be? Or what should ColoredPoint(1,2,red)==Point(1,2) be?

When Sequences Go Bad

In my last post, I talked about the various kinds of syntax for getting and setting elements in sequences. This post will talk about semantics. What exactly should get and mutate do when invoked? What should happen when the index is valid is hopefully obvious. But because we have to handle the case of an invalid index—in particular, an index larger than the length of the sequence, the answer is not as clear-cut as it may seem. If "throw an exception" is the only thing that comes to mind, you have been stuck in procedural programming for too long.

One-Sided Debate over Sequence Syntax

Computers are famously stupid machines. You have to tell them in perfect detail not just what you want them to do but how to do it. A computer may be able to add 1 and 2 faster than I can, but it will take me longer to tell it to do that than for me to do it myself. The more complex the task, the more time it takes to code. Coding is still laborious and entirely not worth it unless such code will be used many times. I posit that a computer is only useful for doing work when the vast majority of the work to be done is repetitive tasks on simple objects. The most common abstraction for representing a bunch of objects is the sequence (also known as a list or array), in which each object in the collection is associated with an integer called its index. There is a wide diversity of syntax and semantics for accessing and changing sequences.

Difficulty of Pattern Matching Syntax

Pattern matching is compact syntax, originating in functional programming languages, that acts a super-charged switch statement, allowing one to concisely branch on the types and components of a value of interest. Like a traditional switch statement, a pattern match takes a single object and compares it to sequence of cases, running the code body associated with the matching case. There are many parts to a pattern matcher. and design concise and unambiguous syntax is a difficult endeavor, one failed by many popular programming languages.

Free Star Wars for Everyone

You got a robotic vacuum cleaner for Christmas. It is the cutest little thing—circling around the room, diligently picking up confetti from the New Years Eve party the night before. You just can't let all that cuteness go to waste. So you record the whole cycle on your phone—the whole two hours and twenty minutes—and post it to your Youtube channel. You have 5 subscribers, all spam bots. Your video goes on to get a million views because the pet name you gave to the vacuum matches the name of an politician recently embroiled in scandal, making "<politician's name> Cleans House" accidental clickbait.

Comparison of Iteration Styles in Programming

It is difficult to overstate the importance of iteration in programming—the process performing an operation on each element of a list. I would rank only variable assignment, functions calling, and branching as more important. Unlike the if statement, which is essentially the same in every language, the semantics of the for loop varies across languages. Mainly for my own future reference, this post compares the various styles of iteration that I have come across. The examples are in pseudo code which is the only way to write so many different iteration styles under similar syntax. Each of the examples is trying to do the same thing: print out each element of a list called list.

The Electoral Jury

How much time to do you spend figuring out how you should vote? A few hours? A few minutes? Any time at all? I could not find a study that measured the average time that voters spend researching their candidates, but I did find that three quarters of Americans do not know how long a senator's term is. Perhaps an average voter reads the blurbs in the local newspaper, listens to some soundbites on the news about each candidate, and watches a myriad of television ads. Does he read each candidate's website? If not, this is like owning a bagel shop and hiring a manager without reading his resume. Imagine a bagel shop where all employees are hired with the same consideration that the average voter gives to political candidates. Such a shop would operate with the legendary efficiency and effectiveness of a DMV.

Trial by Jury: Keep the Jury, Eliminate the Trial

Yesterday, I made a simple argument for handing the jurors the facts that are not in dispute at the beginning of the trial. I want to extend that argument a bit further to a more expansive idea that I have. Rather than just giving the undisputed facts to the jurors, why not boil the entire trial down to its text and give it to the jury as a kind of case study. All of the questions asked in the trial are already in multiple depositions. If a witness gives an answer that is different from the deposition, the deposition is brought out and read. Why not deliver all the evidence to the jury in writing? I can read faster than I can listen, and importantly, I can alter my pace as needed.